Success and 3000 Young Adults

CCW has been singing a new song these last few months called "By Your Love" by our very own Dave Rowan. I am loving what this song does for my vision and hope in reaching the next generation. In the bridge, the lyric goes "We sing holy, holy, holy are You, God". And whenever we get to that part of the song, I always get a picture of 3000 young adults singing from their hearts "Holy, holy, holy are You, God. " Imagine, 3000 young adults -- so captivated by the beauty and glory of Jesus that they roar praise to God. But don't get the picture wrong...I do NOT see 3000 young adults singing in one space all at once.What I see is 3000 young adults singing the song all across the planet. Their lives, their work, and their witness are joined with their song. It is not just what they are singing, but also what they are doing and what they are giving their lives to that cries "Holy". I see them extending grace and mercy, hope and forgiveness in Africa and Asia. I see them making disciples and catalyzing positive change all across Europe and into South America. I even see them making a difference across the US and Canada. I see 3000 young adults all across the world, lifting a song AND advancing the kingdom of Jesus. Every time we sing that bridge, I get a vision of a global body of young believers investing their lives into precious people and great causes. I guess you could say, I see them being the Church.This vision challenges my view of success in campus ministry. More and more, I sense the Spirit pressing this issue...that the goal is not 3000 young adults in one space, singing one song -- though that would be cool. But the kingdom-goal of campus ministry is to see 3000 mobilized and sent out to be the Church in the world. My friends, that kind of vision and that redefined goal has been a game-changer.


Are we there yet?


Lent 2012